30 July 2010

going to stop gor a while

Is she:

   1. scared of the boy’s stare

   2. cold and wants the boy’s jacket

   3. about to have her first kiss

"The sweet is not as sweet without the sour." 

13 July 2010

July 13, 2010

Raining so hard with "bagyong basyang", my teacher says typhoons are named after a girl for girls change their desicions easily as typhoon change direction. Because of this, the school sent us home for safety. But instead of going home right away, I and Mica went to their house to watch Haruhi Suzumiya, at first I thought it wouldn't be that catchy but well I got carried away and laughed at the scenes. Real good series.
Heehee, The thing that Mica lend me. 
1. HARUHI magazine. She's so gaga about it. 
2. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, he's the author of the book Coraline.
3. CD of Haruhi suzumiya.
4. Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. :)

It was fun. 


10 July 2010

July 10, 2010

Watched this yesterday. Obscene and funny. I hope there's roleplaying game about this. :)

July 10, 2010

 hehehehe... ok this picture is my GPOYSat. 
I look so vain, eeew. :) The story..., I sang in front of almost 40+  people. it's fewer than what I faced years ago. Isang the song that I composed or written. The tone is from " hawak kamay by yeng constantino", I was only assigned to change the verse and chorus of the song. Speaking of writing songs, I write about not-so popular three songs. All of it was sang by me. No. of people heard it?
first song: about 40+ person.
second song: about 800+ person.
the las one: 80+ person.
No. of people remember it?
first song: about 6+ person.
second song: about 10+ person.
last song: 5 person.
My mom is in her reunion event. That means I can blog freely. oh yeah. Many weird things had happened. 


03 July 2010

John Paul Gaultier's green rubber sandals. ♥ 'em.

Just received new usb!!! :)

02 July 2010

Done reading the camp confidential:bet boyfriend forever, next stop Sophie Kinsella's Can you Keep a Secret? :)
So much stress in my Biology assignment and also miss watching romantic movies. :(
Misses I-1 memoirs.


July 03, 2010

Pres. Noynoy Aquino's first day after his inauguration was all good news. I hope it will, throughout his 6 years of presidency. Good luck for him!
I got my library card so I can borrow books from our school, :) Here's the book.

It's really an awesome book. good story. the picture's blur but I'll give you details. the one at the right part is a book entitled camp confidential, 2nd summer: over & out. At the left side of the image is another book entitled camp confidential, 2nd summer: Best (Boy) Friend Forever, that book gives me the feeling of hoity-toity. :) whatever that is.. 

I drew some clothes while I got bored in some class. This one is Lady Gaga inspired dress. My seatmate said I can be a designer only if I know how to detail the flow of the dress. 

This is a shoe inspired dress. :)

dress that looks like a body of a bee.

also I experience holding a microscope for the second time. It was fun but really hard to adjust. I also wanted to read Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep a Secret?

29 June 2010

June 30, 2010

Inauguration day, some thing I want to show you. my drawings by date/year.
This is my drawing of a turtle, the heart on the right side didn't fit the picture. I dunno the date when I drew this, I believed it was years ago. :)
my favorite. A beauty.
the chibi madness I was talking about.
It's her again.
geisha chibi.., got bored in my chinese class, so I ended up drawing this piece.
He said.., My Milk Toof. :) a new fan of the blog called mymilktoof.
the latest drawing that I have with the heels on the upper-right part of the image. I got obsessed on drawing dresses and heels because of my seat mate, Jason. He really draws well. So I ask him to teach me how to draw one. Actually, I have many sketches of my design of dresses but I felt lazy on taking their picture and I only snapped one image which is this and another favorite creation of mine. :)

maxine ♥

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And oft' is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Shakespeare's Art of Europe.  A really romantic sonnet. I speak of beauty today for that is what I have encountered topic for the day before the inauguration of our new president of my country. New word learned: 1. aesthetically challenged - when you want to tell someone that she's not that beautiful. 2. mentally challenged - a person who has low IQ. The Story: When I was to hold the doorknob of my classroom and entered the room, Clyde, what I called " class clown" tried to block my way and make fun of me. I only get along instead of bragging and complaining about disturbing me on my way. Two men said I Love You to me this week, but sarcastically. :) I draw chibis and clothes and heels the whole chinese time It was also fun getting soaked up in the rain again with miki, we laughed at the umbrella torn by the strong wind. We ate fried kikiam and shiomai, got soaked up again on our way to ride on the sidecar. Laughed and be ourselves. :) Boo!, maxine

28 June 2010

June 24, 2010

The start of my morning was fine, though the night before it was worse. Trust me, you don't want to know....

It was was our so-called study period  every monday or break time. Then, there's a group of students playing the game "spin the bottle". ^he boy was picked to do a dare then he stood behind my desk and dance silly, I laughed & felt a little gross. After that, a boy who's really handsome but not my type always ask me questions during A.P. time. :D well, you know the feeling. 
Chinese time,
          I consider it as the best time in all the day. Mica showed me her anime drawing. After going to the library, I went home really soaked because of the heavy rain today. I kept on drawing chibis after I cleaned myself. I wish I could show 'em! they're really adorable, I also want to show panue-nue's drawings :)
all is told. :)

25 June 2010


As a man-gummy ♥

23 June 2010

June 24, 2010

Today is Manila day, the place to where I grew up until now. :)
So many top news to tell. My teacher in English class lived at the same street as mine! what a coincidence! Her aunt owns the pharmacy store beside our apartment!
I learned about HTMLs. I followed a new blog "HJ Story" which is a really artistic and romantic blog. Mica lend me her sketchpad, her artworks are awesome. She told me many thing about axis power hetalia, and funny part was she said about the curl in one character's head is the erogenous part of them, creepy huh? I also had my first quiz one of my chinese subject yesterday, I hope the result was okay. A test in another chinese subject for tomorrow, but still had an incomplete details., I'm also thinking about buying a new USB for my file, so it would be easy for me to search and print right away for my assignments. That is all for the update, :)
maxine\\ P.S. I want to blog all day but cannot. :(

20 June 2010

June 21, 2010

Father's Day
blogging again at the library, before going here, Mica and I were rushing to get the first seat for me to do the blogging and for her to do her RP, roleplay. She's an anime addict!
Yesterday was father's day. I greet my dad with a kiss on the cheek. :) We went to RP, robinson's place, a mall. So we went shopping. I shop new accessories like flower ring and a star earrings. I ate blueberry cheesecake crepe with ice cream on top!!!
I really love the taste of it! After that we watch the movie, karate kid! Which is f**king awesome! At first I don't want to see any single thing of that movie until someone said "WOW". 
My friend recommended me this website which is weird and not that interesting. theoatmeal.com That would be the summary of father's day. I ♥ Papa!


18 June 2010

June 19, 2010

Yesterday is my shop day. I bought my sister a new head band, a red one. :) I also bought myself new hair accessories too. I was doing my assignment and discovered a new word! 
zenzizenzizenzic means a number raised to the eighth power! I also started reading memoirs of a geisha, which I find some part of the story obscene but worth the read. We've got new visitor that make bullet go gaga. The dog on the left is gaga the golden retriever. She's a girl, 2 months old and bullet's in love with her! that is all! many assignments to be done!

15 June 2010

June 16, 2010

Blogging at the Library, and someone asked: "You blog?" ...what a question..
So I checked the number of views & nothing changed, I'm so happy! Cause seriously this is personal. 
My friend and I made a number of things about each other and it was really yucky and funny. :)
My mom asked: " Is that a graphic tablet that you want?". and I was like "are you going to give me one?!"
then she said "nagtatanong lang ako". NGEH! was said in my mind. Then I replied "yup". Well, I was expecting one if I could have good grades and made a lot of discounts. It would made me smile throughout the year! 
After that day, I skiped onto " I want to read the Memoirs of Geisha", though I have the vintage version of it, it's really useful using the original one instead of a modern one when it comes to books. Just another opinion from me. :)Yesterday, my family bonded together to watch a home DVD of a movie entitled " PS I Love You", starring Gerard Butler, my -----. So because of that, I slept good. 
That is all? yes. BOW.
maxine. ♥

13 June 2010

June 14, 2010

Done with my really hard assignments & research made me learn more and more! one of the assignment made me worry for three days. A 800-1000 chines word paragraph! Good thing, I'm done with it, but only with 500-word.
I'm really happy to watch two new movies this weekend. "Valentine's Day", Taylor Swift was funny there. & "Taking 5", the vocalist is the most handsome & appealing. My deary darling, bullet. *sigh* I really missed him during classes. Well, he's here resting his head after the cleaning process. :) To be honest about facebook, I'm not really that intrested at all. I mean some posts of my friends wasn't that interesting to sneak about. There's nothing interesting about it anymore. Well, this past few days was Philippine Independence Day! How did I celebrate it? Sat on a couch and play with bullet also ate palabok for lunch, YUM!
I've been thinking of new hairstyle when heads going to be scraped off, a hairdo like rihanna? Which is not allowed in school, they're strict about it. So I'll just continue the hairpin thing in my hair. :(

10 June 2010

June 11, 2010

I'm currently in my school's library and is posting this blog. :)
I had my first day of school and as usual, I feel lost and lonely all the while but I found new friends. We always talk every recess and having so much fun. My friend "Mica", is my closest chatter about animes during chinese time. I really had fun laughing. Of course I met new teacher which are pretty amazing, to be honest in my opinion some are weird for me. My foremost favorite was my Biology teacher, Mr. Alonto. He's really smart, now I know what's what in the box of biology. I learned about Gluteus Maximus is a butt muscle. funny.. Another teacher was really cheerful & beautiful, Miss Isip. She has cheeky eyes and a really proud student of PLM. Another one was Mr. Lansang, he's my Filipino teacher, a really deep speaker of some Filipino words, I learned one thing from him on how to use the terms Filipino and tagalog. They're two diff. words.

So that would be my insights about my first day of class in my sophomore year, I hope there's more stories to come!


06 June 2010

June 07, 2010

Just watched "Hotel for dogs". And it was awesome. I've already arranged my things for school. 
I'm going to miss my summer days. Playing with my dog Bullet was one.
Another line from a song I'd like to share.
"Lingering in the ocean blue And If I had one wish come true. I'd surf till the sun sets beyond the horizon " (from: Lilo & Stitch - "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride")


June 06, 2010

I observed my darling last Saturday, which is my dog Bullet who bites people. :) I saw that he has really unique eyes. When he look through the the window in daylight, his eyes turn grayish-blue. which is amazing. When he's sad and rest his head, his eyes turn dark & when he looks at me right in the eyes, his eyes turn into leopard yellow eyes. This is really a beautiful thing I obtained when observing my Bullet.

Yesterday, I went to have my skin checked up. We went to a dermatologist which look like a kikay mom.I have this Nevus Sebaceous, a skin disease. It's genetic, and I was like who in our family has it? and why effin' me? The derma told us we got to scrape it off and do a biopsy to know whether it is cancerous or just an excess skin. Well, it's makes me worry what it would turn out in the future.The doctor also says that I also have to go on a diet or choose my food. That makes my world more miserable. Food is my number one happiness, why avoid it? :( After the check-up, we ride on a jeep and went to the mall for mom to have her hair cut. 

Then as we went home, I bought new neon orange nail polish which is my second happiness & to be avoided this starting classes. Class will be starting within 3 days, it's really fast. 

"unstoppable force needs an immovable force." (another quote from The Dark Knight)

maxine which is currently in an internet cafe for some reasons & is really irritated to the song of justin bieber "eenie minie". >:(

03 June 2010

June 04, 2010.

So heartbroken this week. 

"Gusto ko lan pasiyahin ang sarili ko, kasi ang lungkot lungkot ko," - Rubi
then, Google translated:
"I just pasiyahin myself. I'm so sad .. sad - Ruby"
that made me laugh. :) 

02 June 2010

Will you look at that...a week of rain and cold weather which is for me a good thing for relaxation and a bad start of class. tsk tsk.

4 Jun5 Jun6 Jun7 Jun8 Jun9 Jun10 Jun
Weather:Thunderstorms. Partly sunny. Warm. Thunderstorms. Partly sunny. Warm. Thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy. Warm. Tons of rain. Mostly cloudy. Mild. Heavy rain. Mostly cloudy. Warm. Tons of rain. Mostly cloudy. Mild. Widely scattered tstorms. Mostly cloudy. Warm.
Tons of
Heavy rain.
Tons of
High temperature:31 °C31 °C30 °C28 °C29 °C27 °C29 °C
Low temperature:25 °C25 °C25 °C25 °C25 °C25 °C24 °C
Comfort level:37 °C36 °C35 °C31 °C34 °C30 °C34 °C
Wind Speed:14 km/h14 km/h13 km/h12 km/h11 km/h8 km/h5 km/h
Wind Direction:Direction East-northeastDirection East-northeastDirection NortheastDirection East-northeastDirection NortheastDirection East-northeastDirection Northeast
UV Index:7 (High)7 (High)3 (Moderate)3 (Moderate)3 (Moderate)3 (Moderate)3 (Moderate)
Chance of Rain:58%58%72%100%100%100%44%
Amount Rain:5.5 mm5.4 mm7.9 mm27.9 mm14.9 mm25.7 mm2.1 mm

01 June 2010

June 02, 2010

My throat hurts, it's like my whole voice box going to burst out. Yesterday, Karl, my Sissy's bf gave achi a yummylicous cake called Sansrival which Karl said the cake was made from three large butter. It tastes like butter cookies w/ butter icings. We also played scrabble & I win. How would a blogger lose on a scrabble? seriously!
I watched the half of Iron Man II, withholding action on smth.
Another was I watched SNN too, all of the gossips were about celebrity break-ups and third-parties. Damn, I'm like what's happening to so called love that started and was ended to a reason because of third-party and jealousy. I know I yet do not have my own love life, but it's seem that when you end up a break-up, it's like throwing to the trash can your award-winning science project that you worked on whole effin' night! That feeling was just sad. :( That's why I'm really awe to those old couples that celebrate together their anniversaries & birthdays. That's what you call "eternal love".
P.S. : No GPOYW's because the web cam's not good. He doesn't love me. :)
peace to all!


31 May 2010

June 01, 2010:Lips like licorice tongue like candy

Before I typed the date, I was shock that it's already the month of June. The vacation was just fast. I've been missing my past friend which are not that close to me anymore. Some are already in
I was doing a lot of flashbacks a while ago. and there's miki bugging me, all the time.
Yesterday, mom bought this chowking halo-halo speakers. The speakers were ot that good, sadly. :)
New song: My First Kiss - Kesha :), I just love it!

I hope my new classmates won't make me feel lost. 


30 May 2010

These are my other art works.

May 31, 2010

This is my recent art work. It's drawn on paper. The brows don't look good, really. The lips aren't in good shape either. I like the eyes more. I'm currently practicing pastel art. Though, I'm always good at nail art. 

Here's another art work made by me. I made it before I am off to bed. I'm trying to prctice the lighting of colors. And here's what came out. The pink one was almost messed up but still it stand out. :)


Phillippine Fashion Week:Holiday 2010

Philippines Fashion Week:Holiday 2010
So Awesome though they're speakers blowing my head off. :)

Who are you with?
I'm with my mom and my sister.
Who are those awesome people you saw?
I saw Gerry Katigbak, the one who invited my sister. Fashionistas, Girls with high heels & Red hot male models.
When: May 29, 2010. 5:30 PM
What: Fashion show of the designer's collection.
Lesson obtained: Shades are good bows. Red lips looks good with frosted colors. Guys who wear long skirts are hot.

Damn! This first fashion show rocks!


27 May 2010

May 28, 2010 ( it's about time)

A while ago, a miracle happened-it rained. Mostly, the weather here sucks. A scheduled interview in my house was on my timed event but didn't happen. I planned to use the computer after I am done with the interview. I was really cleaned up for the interview, you know? It's all the curiosity I've been through like a day just poofed! but we can't turn back time..ugh., TIME.
--I was invited to a fashion week by my sister which was also invited by the designer himself, Gerry Katigbak. I'm so freaking excited. It will be my first time to see a fashion show. Hope to have more 'first time's'!
Another story is, I already watched Dear John. Also another awesome movie. It's tragicomedy type of a story. I obtained some real facts. 
~ "No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb."- Dear John
That one's real true. :)


25 May 2010

May 26, 2010

My first GPOYW ever! 
I gotta say, I look natural! :) taken 9:32 AM in the morning! 

I watched PBB (Pinoy Big Brother) yesterday & it was a hit! Real drama.

I relate to what happened to Bret Jackson, when he really treated the Villa housemates real friends & he was really dissapointed of knowing that the villa housmates are blaming their beauty & handsomness were used to win the match. That was just lame. I confess that it happened to me & secretly cried. Then there's Tricia who enlarged their fight then there's Jack teasing her the "cry on cue" but 
lesson learned: True friends are few sometimes only one but fake friends are billions. Prove it if I'm wrong. Another thing, efforts are seen at the end of a fight. Don't deny if you judge physically cause everybody does too. As I've said prove me if I'm wrong. Peace to all! 


24 May 2010

May 25, 2010 - hammock day!

May 22, 2010 - That Sunday, Mom, me & my two sister went to a wake of my grandmother @ Marikina near Riverbanks while my father was on his day tour on Batangas. When we were about to go home at 11:30, my father brought us some pasalubongs from Batangas. One of those are some mexican hammocks for us to relax and have fun with. He gave us sweet coconut peanut brittle which are new to my taste, ube & other native products. Gosh!, they really tastes good! That's one of the reasons that I am proud to be a Filipino.
May 24, 2010 - Dad placed the hammock between our steel barricades near our window. It's really a good place for relaxation & it's windy. A way to avoid us from the heat.
May 25, 2010 - The hammock was good, I am well rested. :)

I really suggest you try one!


23 May 2010

May 21,2010
That afternoon, I was getting sick of boredom. Good thing, those little chicks/chicken that my sister bought, saved me. They were all in different colors. All of them got their own personalities.
1. The Green chick was the most playful of them all. She always poop whenever you hold it.
2. The yellow one was owned by my neighbor & it's the cutest! It's life span was short. It lasted about two days. One of the people walked by watching us playing with those chicks said that if we hold 'em every time, they get dizzy & quickly die while my sister said every chick that are filled with diff. colors get poisoned and cause them to be ephemeral. Well, that made me sad.
3. The orange one was the noisiest of 'em all. It's really hyperactive.
4. The purple one one was the sweetest. Every night when you hold him tight, he sleeps easily.
5. The pink one was the one I pity the most. After 5 hours, It dropped and broke it's legs.

Though they are really cute & fun to play with, I still pity them.
I hope buying them wasn't illegal. :x


21 May 2010

effin' random!!!!

I haven't been blogging like, a week. I've got so many stories to tell but it's too personal.
Classes are coming soon and summer's about to end. I might wanna share some words from a lot of people worth knowing. :) (So random!)

 I somehow see what's beautiful in things that are ephemeral.
-Andi Eigenmann She's has a blog. 
 ego si relapsus resurgo. 
-Viet-my-bui (It means "If I fall, I recover" correct me if I'm wrong.)

That is all. :)

maxine (so hot!)

10 May 2010

Ok, this is reblogged. The artist is Lucy. She's pretty good at drawings. just wanted to share it to you!

09 May 2010

Mother's Day!

Mother's day is where we can eat good foods & take a break. that's all! aww... you know that I'm joking. of course it's the day when you bond with the most beautiful girl on infinity & beyond! My mom is my original face. :) Agree?We celebrated @ MOA!


This is the carnation my sister gaved my mom.

maxine ♥


Got my first ever henna! I chose paw print because of my dog "bullet" & I'm an animal lover!

08 May 2010

election baller bands

I had fun taking pictures of myself with my dad's collection of election baller bands. He has Noynoy, Gibo & Gordon bands. I'm hoping that this year's election will be a success.


07 May 2010

learn something.


06 May 2010

Toy Story 3 characters.

Coming soon...
Wait! I already know the characters! woohoo!
Character roll BEGIN!
1. Chatter Telephone - Preschoolers can't resist the friendly face with eyes that move up and down when they pull the toy along, and the bright colors and pleasing sounds keep them happy and engaged. Chatter Telephone is ideal for the little hands in your life.

2. Chunk - Chunk will rock your world! This gargantuan creature sports protective shoulder spikes, while his ferocious fists are ready to smash whatever enemy gets in his way.

3. Dolly -  Dolly is a soft and sweet dress-up rag doll, and is the perfect gift for any young child! Her floppy body and sunny smile will make her an irresistible new member of your family.

4. Mr. Pricklepants - Mr. Pricklepants is made strictly for cuddling! Hand wash and air dry. Restore fluffiness with fingers. Made in Germany.

5. Stretch - Stretch is a fun-loving under-the-sea octopus friend that shines in glittery purple. Kids can count her eight rubbery legs and dozens of sticky suckers that are sure to stand up to rough-and-tumble play and extreme stretching. Toss her high on the wall and watch her climb her way down! Clean in mild soap solution to remove dust and lint 

white strawberries

White Strawberries
They're new to my eyes. When I post it to facebook, my mom went home and asked me if it does exist. Well, I explained to her that it does exist. It tastes like pineapple.These are the only information that I can give.

I research more of it's story. They are also called 'pineberries' because they have the smell that is closer to that of pineapples. They are saved from extinction by dutch farmers. The fruit flesh can range from soft white to orange.

source: wikipedia & google


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